Wednesday, January 9, 2008


It is heartening to see that Joyce is getting more interested to read her reader nowadays. Whenever, I say “reader time”, she will say “Yeh!” and starts reading on her own. She feels good about reading them as she knows most of the words in the reader and is proud of it. I will usually ask her to stop after 1 reader so as to keep her interest but she will plead me for 1 more reader. Hence, we stop after 2 readers nowadays.

However, she will still not pick up book to read on her own except for her bedtime story book. She will definitely want us to read at least 1 story every night. She will pick up a story book and want us to read to her. Usually, her daddy will read to her when he is in town. Otherwise, I will read with her and I will ask her to read with me ie I read two sentences and she reads 1. But sometimes, I read more when she’s reluctant to read together and just want to hear me read. I think it is important not to kill her interest and just let her enjoy the story.

I understand that reading is vital as it is an efficient way to acquire information, knowledge, skills and experiences and improve oneself. It is also the most fundamental skill to help children to be successful in school and in life. Moreover, Joyce will be in P1 next year and she must know how to read so that learning becomes a breeze. Hence, we’ll have to brush up this year despite it requires a lot of effort and patience to help her learn to read and to get her interested in reading. Hope that before long, she will grow to love stories and books. And eventually, she will want to read on her own.

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