Friday, November 23, 2007

Creativity and self-esteem

One day, I showed Joyce my birthday card (see 1st photo) made by my colleague who is very creative in arts & craft work. Immediately, she asked who gave me that card and that she wanted to learn from her. Hence, we ended up at my colleague’s place on 8.11.07.

Under Helena's guidance, Joyce made 1 clay magnet, 1 clay brooch & 2 cards (see 2nd photo) that afternoon. She was happy and motivated that she started making cards after that day. We sat down together and started punching butterflies and bears on coloured papers & old magazines. Eventually, she made 2 cards for her childcare teachers and 1 birthday card (see 3rd photo) for her friend, Jamie, who has invited her to her birthday party this Saturday. I can see the big satisfaction on her face and her eagerness to do more. Moreover, she was more confident and said “I can”, “I know how to draw, do, etc” more often nowadays.

Thus, I believe that we can boost a child’s confidence through creativity. Studies have also shown that high self-esteem children are less conformist and more creative, and that highly creative children are likely to have a high level of self-esteem. By encouraging and supporting our children’s creativity, we not only make them feel better about themselves but also improve their chances of success. And success builds success because children who succeed in one area believe they can succeed in others.

We can start with simple tasks that are within the child’s ability to help her feel good about herself and do not push her too quickly. If she finds a task too difficult, simplify it so she can succeed. Otherwise, she may lose interest if she finds it too daunting and feel demoralized. Having said that, we must have confidence in our child so that they are more willing to try, press on and see the task through.

Nobody can be creative for somebody. It must come from her heart, not yours. Hence, demonstrate creativity rather than impose it. Creativity needs freedom and structure so allow your child to experience both. Imagination is only 1 component of creativity. Creativity is about structure, imagination and experience. Imagination with structure is creativity and the latter can be learned so is creativity……..

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