Thursday, November 29, 2007

Short getaway at Downtown East

We had a great time last 2 days at Downtown East with my sister-in-law’s family and my mother-in-law. It was also Joyce’s 1st unforgettable experience at the Escape Theme Park. Her daddy couldn’t join us due to work commitment. But he could see Joyce’s thrills when she recounted her encounter to him when she first saw him back home.

How she enjoyed the flying rides on the Kite Flyer and the Red Baron plane? The former was her 1st off the air attempt and she was actually very fearful once the ride took off. She has motion sickness since young and can vomit even just in a taxi ride. Hence, once she got lifted up and swing in the air, her immediate response was “Mummy, I’m going to vomit.” I quickly calmed her down by asking her to look far and close her eyes if she is frightened. She managed to overcome her fear and halfway through her ride, she shouted out that she is now flying and I was relieved. She enjoyed it so much that she went for a 2nd swing happily with Janice subsequently.

We also enjoyed our joy ride on the Choo Choo train and Ferris Wheel and our thrill ride on the Family Roller Coaster. She related to her daddy how we got drenched when the family of 3 splashed us on the Bumper Boat and how mummy fought back bravely at them.

She also shared about her scary experience at the Haunted House- headless bloody body, the electrocuted man on the electric chair, ghostly figures, etc. We got frightened by our own reflections on the mirror near the entrance when the guide shone his torch light on it that we screamed our lung out. There were also other children screaming away when they got out of the haunted house.

But she did not talk much about her frightening experience on the Wet & Wild Flume Ride. I think it is just too much for a 5-yr-old girl to take it especially is her 1st attempt on all these thrilling rides. Luckily, we could stop and get out halfway before we reached the 5-storey climb (Can't imagine her stress and fear if we will to plurge down). I managed to signal to the lady-in-charge when Joyce started crying to get out after we were dropped down from the 1st slide and splashed out.

Nevertheless, it was a memorable trip for Joyce. When she woke up this morning, I asked if she had any nightmare and if she still wants to go again. She said no nightmare but a firm “Yes” for the latter.

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