Sunday, December 9, 2007

Champion mindset

It was raining cats and dogs this morning. However, it did not dampen Joyce’s mood to go for the art colouring contest at UE Square. Joyce took about an hour plus to complete her colouring of the A3 size Santa Claus picture. Half-way through, she complained of tiredness and wanted me to help her complete the colouring. But I said “no” and explained to her that if she wants to win the prize then she must complete it herself. I also told her that she can’t do things half-way or else there won’t be another time for her to participate. She has to show her commitment. Reluctantly, she completed it and handed it up proudly. Thereafter, she also did a sand art which she enjoyed.

However, she was sad that she did not win any prize and said that it was not fun when asked how’s her day? She still complained that the A3 size picture was too much for her to colour. I consoled her by telling her that it’s ok not to win this time round and to do it better next time. What is important is to cultivate a champion mindset in her.


ihlunn said...


Always an interesting read on what Joyce is doing over the weekend!

I feel it is good that you are teaching her to never give up even when the going gets tough because I believe this will be a very useful lesson for her in the future.

Even more commendable is the fact that you are doing this firmly but gently which definitely requires a lot of patience, time and love from you.

I personally think reprimanding a kid fiercely often to drive across a point just erodes the child's confidence gradually and is very detrimental to the child's development.

Keep up the good work!

growingup said...

Thks for your enouragement but it's difficult to keep my cool at times. Still trying my best to stay calm and put my message across to her firmly but in a gentle tone.

For instance, last night, she wanted to watch tv immediately after dinner. I said ok after she has practised her yamaha music. But she was reluctance and started to play any o how so I reprimanded her and said "It's fine if you don't play it properly. Then you will have no tv time tonight and your friend is going to say that Joyce doesn't know in yamaha class." And I left her alone to hang my laundry. She started crying and Keng Nan simply asked her to wipe her tears and stop crying. After a while, she went back to her keyboard and started playing properly. Keng Nan wanted to take over my task and asked me to attend to her. But I refused as I was still angry and just not ready to talk to Joyce again. I continue to complete my task and at the same time to cool myself down before I sat down with her after my laundry.

The 1st thing I said to her was that she played so much better now than earlier. It was beautiful music and not some noisy sound. I also asked her if she knows why mummy was angry with her just now and she replied "Don't know". I explained to her that it is because she did not play her music properly. Mummy loves her and want her to practise well so that she can play well in class.

She seems to understand and continue to play beautifully. Her mood also cheered up and we were able to read together, do maths addition sum, some spelling and finally, her favourite coloring before her bedtime story.

It was amazing to do so much last night when we hit on the right note.