Friday, December 21, 2007

Shopping trip

Yesterday, we went OG for shopping. It was very crowded and we came back empty handed. It was the 1st time that we did not go over to the toys' department and Joyce also did not request that we buy her the Disney princess dress or something.

All this while, I have been telling her that it is not necessary that we must buy something whenever we go shopping. But she would be quite unhappy if we buy nothing although she would not make a scene at the departmental store unlike some kids. Maybe those kids were not prepared mentally by their parents before their shopping spree.

However, it was totally different yesterday. I was really surprised that she was alright when we came back empty handed. I believe that my message has finally sunk into her head. I notice that she is also more sensible nowadays. Keep it up, Joyce! You are such a wonderful girl now. Mummy will reward you 3 more red beans tonight as a form of encouragement.

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