Monday, December 24, 2007

X’mas log cake and cookies making workshop on 22 Dec 07

We attended X’mas log cake and cookies making workshop at Cheng San CC on Saturday morning instead of our usual Saturday morning activity at the park with my parents and youngest sister. It was organised by a church group and the response was overwhelming. There were 30 over children at the workshop so each child got to make about 6 cookies. They helped to cut the cookies using the different cookies cutters and also decorate them. It was fun for the children. They also learned to be patient as they took turn to make theirs and wait for the cookies to be baked. Joyce also enjoyed watching and making the cookies.

Adults watched the X’mas log cake making demo while the children made their cookies. We were also given the recipes and had a taste of the baked log cake and cookies too. Yummy! Joyce finds it easy and requested that we make the cookies back home so that she can share with her friends at the childcare. Excellent! Joyce. And for your kind thought and sharing, we will make them one of these days. Yes! Maybe we can make them for Chinese New Year.

We sang Christmas carols towards the end of the workshop and also learned about the meaning of Christmas and the Christmas candy stick. As for us, Christmas is about family gathering. Usually, we will get together at one of my brother-in-law’s place for a dinner-cum-party on Christmas’ eve.

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