Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tree Top walk

We went for tree top walk this morning with my brother-in-law’s family. The weather was excellent this morning, cooling and not raining. It was a good opportunity for Joyce to interact with her cousins. Despite being the only child, I’m pleased that she is able to share, socialize and take care of kids younger than her.

After about 45 mins walk from the carpark at Venus Drive, we reached the entrance of the TreeTop Walk and started our walk on a free-standing suspension bridge of 25m above the ground. Apparently, the bridge was very stable and the kids were not afraid of the height. Very soon we were down on the ground and took the safer trail route back to the carpark instead of by the road side. Along the trail, we saw moths, grasshoppers, beetles and giant ants. Joyce finds it fun as it was the first time that she was so close to nature. A wonderful family outing that you can do with your children in Singapore without incurring any cost.


singaporeteach said...

You are a wonderful parent. Keep up the good job!

growingup said...

You are a very committed and passionate teacher. Bravo! I'll continue to read your blog. As for your working with weaker students next year, you must believe in them and bring up their self-esteem. Then, it will be a lot more easier for them to cooperate and work with you. Along the way, you may see improvement either in their grades or their personnal development.