Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pros & Cons of Blogging

Your child may already have their blog as anyone can publish an online diary or journal with no programming skills/knowledge through blog. Even if he or she does not have one now, they are likely to encounter or start one in the near future. It is so common to do blogging nowadays as it is an avenue for people to express personal opinions, share experiences and information. It is good for learning, collaboration, building virtual communities and encourages creativity and active participation especially for people who are shy in public speaking. They can put across their thoughts and messages through writing privately.

However, it is also dangerous for young children/people who unknowingly publish their personal details and draw the attention of those who seek to exploit children and young people. Hence, it is important to educate our young ones not to disclose personal information such as name, phone no, address, school name, etc on their blogs. Also do not give out information about daily routines, friends, favourite hangouts, interests and social activities. Strangers can pretend to share similar interests to get close or earn trust before exploiting.

It is also critical for young people to publish appropriate content as provocative remarks or comments may invite legal issues. Posting provocative photos or videos of themselves now may also become liabilities years later.

Last but not least, happy blogging with your child. It can be a good platform to connect with your child, especially with teenagers.


ihlunn said...

Wow, the photos bring back so much memories! Can't imagine how much the little girl has grown.

growingup said...

Yes, she has indeed grown not only taller but intellectually too. Time really flies. In a year's time, she will be in P1.