Monday, December 3, 2007

Moulding and Painting

Joyce skipped childcare today and is at home because of her flu. We spend our time reading “Alice, the fairy” storybook, practice her Yahama music and do craft work.

Finally, she has the chance to open the plaster fridge magnets & badges moulding & painting kit which Helena gave her few weeks ago. I helped her mix and mould the magnet fairies in the morning and she painted 2 of them after lunch. It was wonderful to see her concentrate, observe the fine details and work towards the finished product. She also sings while she paints, enjoying every moment of it. Excellent job! Joyce. It is quick and easy to do with the easy-to-dry plaster powder and fully supplied colours & paint brush in the kit. She also made a 'cake' for her daddy because she loves him. So sweet of you! Joyce.

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