Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kusu Isand trip

We went Kusu Island for a picnic and swim at the lagoon with my sister-in-law’s family. There are altogether 9 of us. It was just a 20 mins ferry ride from Marina South Pier but it was quite bumpy on the ferry. It was quite cloudy and windy today. However, we got sunburn too.

We reached there at about 10.20am. We passed by the temple which was near the jetty and made our wish at the wishing well. Hope that all our wish comes through next year (with action on our part) because a wish is just a vision. And I’ll like to quote what Joel Barker said “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.” Further down the path, there was a tortoise wishing well with many tortoises in it. As it was a weekday, we had the lagoon all by ourselves. We had a good splash in the water although the water is quite dirty and something underneath it kept poking us and we felt a sharp pain on our body, thigh, leg or hand. It was so painful that Joyce refused to go back into the water again. But the rest of us were in the water for a few hours. We enjoyed the wave pushing us from behind our back to the shore. They also played with the sand, buried themselves under the sand with others’ help and took turn to fly kite as I only have one. We had hard boiled eggs, chicken nuggets, breads, fruit (apple & cucumber) and juice for our lunch. Joyce and Ivan liked munching the potatoes chips very much.

We left Kusu Island at 2.45pm so that we could get a glimpse of St John Island before heading back home. However, we were quite disappointed as we only had 10 mins stop at St John Island. Then we were ferried back to Kusu Island to pick up other passengers because 3.45pm was the timing of the last ferry back from Kusu on weekdays.

Nevertheless, we had a great time having fun together especially for the children and they wanted to go again next year.

Monday, December 24, 2007

X’mas log cake and cookies making workshop on 22 Dec 07

We attended X’mas log cake and cookies making workshop at Cheng San CC on Saturday morning instead of our usual Saturday morning activity at the park with my parents and youngest sister. It was organised by a church group and the response was overwhelming. There were 30 over children at the workshop so each child got to make about 6 cookies. They helped to cut the cookies using the different cookies cutters and also decorate them. It was fun for the children. They also learned to be patient as they took turn to make theirs and wait for the cookies to be baked. Joyce also enjoyed watching and making the cookies.

Adults watched the X’mas log cake making demo while the children made their cookies. We were also given the recipes and had a taste of the baked log cake and cookies too. Yummy! Joyce finds it easy and requested that we make the cookies back home so that she can share with her friends at the childcare. Excellent! Joyce. And for your kind thought and sharing, we will make them one of these days. Yes! Maybe we can make them for Chinese New Year.

We sang Christmas carols towards the end of the workshop and also learned about the meaning of Christmas and the Christmas candy stick. As for us, Christmas is about family gathering. Usually, we will get together at one of my brother-in-law’s place for a dinner-cum-party on Christmas’ eve.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Shopping trip

Yesterday, we went OG for shopping. It was very crowded and we came back empty handed. It was the 1st time that we did not go over to the toys' department and Joyce also did not request that we buy her the Disney princess dress or something.

All this while, I have been telling her that it is not necessary that we must buy something whenever we go shopping. But she would be quite unhappy if we buy nothing although she would not make a scene at the departmental store unlike some kids. Maybe those kids were not prepared mentally by their parents before their shopping spree.

However, it was totally different yesterday. I was really surprised that she was alright when we came back empty handed. I believe that my message has finally sunk into her head. I notice that she is also more sensible nowadays. Keep it up, Joyce! You are such a wonderful girl now. Mummy will reward you 3 more red beans tonight as a form of encouragement.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tree Top walk

We went for tree top walk this morning with my brother-in-law’s family. The weather was excellent this morning, cooling and not raining. It was a good opportunity for Joyce to interact with her cousins. Despite being the only child, I’m pleased that she is able to share, socialize and take care of kids younger than her.

After about 45 mins walk from the carpark at Venus Drive, we reached the entrance of the TreeTop Walk and started our walk on a free-standing suspension bridge of 25m above the ground. Apparently, the bridge was very stable and the kids were not afraid of the height. Very soon we were down on the ground and took the safer trail route back to the carpark instead of by the road side. Along the trail, we saw moths, grasshoppers, beetles and giant ants. Joyce finds it fun as it was the first time that she was so close to nature. A wonderful family outing that you can do with your children in Singapore without incurring any cost.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bonding with your children

I have heard many times from mums with domestic maid’s help that their children are closer to the maid than to them and they don’t feel good about it. Which is also why the children will feel lost or upset when you change maid? How then can we create and improve our bond with our children when the maid is spending more time with our children than us, working parents?

I, personally, prefer to take care of my girl than to care of her to a maid which is why I don’t hire one. As for those working parents who require maid’s help, you can still create and improve the bond with your child by taking care of their daily needs personally. Just few days back, I have just learned from a child psychologist that we can create the opportunity to bond with our child. For instance, in feeding your young child, you can ask your maid to prepare the meals but you feed your child personally. As for bathing, you can also ask your maid to help get ready all the necessary items but you bathe your child personally. Likewise, you can also ask your maid to help get your child ready for school but you send your child to childcare centre or see him off to school personally. Like accompanying him downstairs to wait for the school bus together and seeing him off personally. When your child sees that you are the one helping him, he will feel that you are more important than your maid and you mean more to him.

Hope that the above sharing is helpful to all mums who have maid’s or grandparents’ help in taking care of their children. Happy parenting and bonding with your children!

Pros & Cons of Blogging

Your child may already have their blog as anyone can publish an online diary or journal with no programming skills/knowledge through blog. Even if he or she does not have one now, they are likely to encounter or start one in the near future. It is so common to do blogging nowadays as it is an avenue for people to express personal opinions, share experiences and information. It is good for learning, collaboration, building virtual communities and encourages creativity and active participation especially for people who are shy in public speaking. They can put across their thoughts and messages through writing privately.

However, it is also dangerous for young children/people who unknowingly publish their personal details and draw the attention of those who seek to exploit children and young people. Hence, it is important to educate our young ones not to disclose personal information such as name, phone no, address, school name, etc on their blogs. Also do not give out information about daily routines, friends, favourite hangouts, interests and social activities. Strangers can pretend to share similar interests to get close or earn trust before exploiting.

It is also critical for young people to publish appropriate content as provocative remarks or comments may invite legal issues. Posting provocative photos or videos of themselves now may also become liabilities years later.

Last but not least, happy blogging with your child. It can be a good platform to connect with your child, especially with teenagers.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Champion mindset

It was raining cats and dogs this morning. However, it did not dampen Joyce’s mood to go for the art colouring contest at UE Square. Joyce took about an hour plus to complete her colouring of the A3 size Santa Claus picture. Half-way through, she complained of tiredness and wanted me to help her complete the colouring. But I said “no” and explained to her that if she wants to win the prize then she must complete it herself. I also told her that she can’t do things half-way or else there won’t be another time for her to participate. She has to show her commitment. Reluctantly, she completed it and handed it up proudly. Thereafter, she also did a sand art which she enjoyed.

However, she was sad that she did not win any prize and said that it was not fun when asked how’s her day? She still complained that the A3 size picture was too much for her to colour. I consoled her by telling her that it’s ok not to win this time round and to do it better next time. What is important is to cultivate a champion mindset in her.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Moulding and Painting

Joyce skipped childcare today and is at home because of her flu. We spend our time reading “Alice, the fairy” storybook, practice her Yahama music and do craft work.

Finally, she has the chance to open the plaster fridge magnets & badges moulding & painting kit which Helena gave her few weeks ago. I helped her mix and mould the magnet fairies in the morning and she painted 2 of them after lunch. It was wonderful to see her concentrate, observe the fine details and work towards the finished product. She also sings while she paints, enjoying every moment of it. Excellent job! Joyce. It is quick and easy to do with the easy-to-dry plaster powder and fully supplied colours & paint brush in the kit. She also made a 'cake' for her daddy because she loves him. So sweet of you! Joyce.